Virginia Karuna Starr
Restorative Healing for Deep and Lasting Transformation


Healing Arts

  • Craniosacral Therapy
  • Somatic Experiencing
  • Energy Medicine
  • Myofascial Release
  • Strain/Counterstrain
  • Cupping

Mind/Body Integration

  • Meditations
  • Mindfulness Program
  • Breathwork
  • Mindful Movement
  • Body Awareness
  • Hypnotherapy

Spirit Practices

  • Centering Prayer
  • Christian Meditation
  • Chants
  • Visualizations
  • Heart Opening Practices
  • Kundalini Yoga Kriyas
  • Spiritual Caregiving

Sacred Starr Solution

  • Enlightening Your Experience to Compassion, Purification and Transformation
  • Intensive 3 month program
  • Focus on Connection to Self/Spirit/Other
  • Online portal to meditations/practices
Compassionate Purification & Transformation

Feel Like It’s Time to Make a Change in Your Life?

Today’s world is full of so many opportunities and wonderful experiences, but more often than not, we become easily overwhelmed. Finding a way to integrate and synthesize can be difficult. Through my training and life experiences, I have been blessed to discover a true path of healing. It is my life’s mission to have the opportunity to share this journey with you. It is time to  decrease the pain and suffering in this world…let’s start with you and the spaces you inhabit!

What is Restorative Healing?

Restorative Healing is focused on the entire organism which is you.  The body is made up of multiple systems including muscular, skeletal, circulatory, cardiovascular, nervous, enteric, endocrine, digestive, lymphatic, reproductive,  respiratory, urinary, immune, reproductive and more.  There is also the spiritual, emotional and relational components.  Not to mention our experiences and genetics.  Restorative Healing is creating the opportunity to restore health, strength, and vitality to all these systems which make you, you.

Balancing the nervous system is key to Restorative Healing.  A body can only heal when it is in a state of safety rather than being stuck in a state of survival.  The nervous system is the driver of all other systems; when it becomes balanced it gives you the opportunity to heal in ways you have not been able to attain in the past. 

My job is to connect with you through compassionate touch and presence, listening deeply to your system, providing a place of safety.  In the listening, the body and soul can be seen and heard.

A session is a time of co-creation. I help find where the body is holding tension, where there is damage to tissue, where stagnant energy may be blocking healthy living. We then work together to relieve the tension, move the energy, allow the natural healing ability of the body to manifest.

We begin by focusing on the limitations of the body and expand to bringing in the possibilities in the power of the spirit and the soul.



My Approach

Everything I seek is right here, within me and around me.  The greatest healer comes from my very own system, for who knows my body and spirit better than me?  Unfortunately, life stressors separate me from this wisdom and over time I forget this amazing mechanism which is ever present.  

As a Spirtual Healer, I can help you to rediscover your own healer, your own wisdom and guide you toward the true life you were meant to live.  Do you remember the first time you skinned your knee?  Were you amazed at how it developed that scab and then just magically turned back into your own skin?  That is the inner healer at work in you; and yes, it is still at work, no matter what your age or your condition.

The light within is always there.  Healing is a returning to our inner nature, our essence. The sacred is ever present and we need multiple tools to learn to tap into the true beauty of the human experience.  To become whole is to find true happiness.

How Do I Know If This is Right For Me?

If life is overwhelming  and you can’t seem to manage, I guarantee this work will be transformational for you.  When the nervous system is running ineffectively, the system swings from running on overdrive and then suddenly crashing, leaving one feeling exhausted and many times in pain and distress .  When brought back to balance, the entire system can function as it was designed.  Your energy will be redirected to living a full, productive life.  

Chronic Pain, Migraines, TMJ
Difficulty sleeping and feeling fatigued
Anxiety and Depression
History or Trauma

How It Works


If you feel ready to schedule an appointment today, please click on the link below and we will get started immediatley.  If you would like to speak directly to me first, I am happy to have a free phone  consultation with you to answer any questions and provide more information.


Engage in Treatment

Each individual has unique needs and wants.  We will work together to establish a treatment plan that maximizes your potential for healing and well being.

Transform Your Life

You no longer have to only imagine what it would be like to live a full life.  You will learn to use the tools which are readily available to you to build the life you were meant to live.

Imagine the Possibilities. Awaken Your Heart. Go Beyond. Discover Wholeness.

Office Location

Virginia Karuna Starr

1202 Stampede Ave

Cody, WY 82414

Still Have Questions?